Today I’m talking with Dr. Jason Karp aka the Google of Running (or at least that’s the impromptu nickname I gave him during the interview)! Karp is a Running Coach with a PhD in exercise physiology and a master’s in kinesiology. He’s written several books on running including – Run Your Fat Off  – it’s basically a guide to weight loss through running. That’s what we’re talking about today!

But this is NOT all about quick tips on losing weight. This interview talks about the benefits of running, how to get started running, how to get the best workout and more. It’s interesting even if you don’t want to lose weight because we talk about a lot of weight loss myths.

I ask him questions about everything from how to start running ….  does high intensity exercise burn more calories …. how to speed up my metabolism and more! Check it out and let me know if you have any follow up questions. And if you are triggered by the sound of this podcast episode please skip it and we’ll hang out on Friday (I put out new podcasts on Tuesdays and Fridays).

running new years resolutions (612x612)

Warm Up: My New Year’s Resolutions…

1. Get ready everyday. Dress and do my hair/make-up good enough to do a video / run into an ex / not be embarrassed etc.

2. Use a running log everyday for 90 days. Update the blog or social media.

3. Monthly mini-goal. Set according to what’s appropriate and important at the time.


Dr. Jason Karp running and diet (800x800)

Jason and I have been friends for a while now so our chat sounds easy breezy – but listen closely – he drops a ton of super helpful information on running, health and weight.

Dr. Jason Karp on Running and Weight Loss for Runners…

We talk about all the hot topics on weight loss. It’s super conversational but he shares a ton of great information on how to lose weight in a sustainable healthy way.


What is the first step to weight loss?

What is more important for losing weight – exercise or diet?

Does HIIT burn more calories throughout the day after your workout over steady cardio?

Can we speed up our metabolism?

Does building muscle burn more fat to help with weight loss?

Does ‘fasted cardio’ help with fat loss?

Is low carb okay for runners?  Is a low carb diet good for weight loss?

Why is running so great for weight loss?

Should I run across the country? (I answer that one)

Here is Jason running in Iceland!! How awesome is that?

running in iceland

He travels a ton teaching his running certification program – the Running Revolution Certification. It’s a program that teaches you how to teach and create training programs, running for fitness, running for weight loss and how to teach the treadmill gym class. It also counts as CECs for a lot of personal training and fitness instructor certifications.

Bonus: Discount code for Running Revolution

I have a discount code to share for the Running Revolution Certification program!

Get 15% off the certification program with code: RUNEATREPEAT

You can contact Jason at Run

Run Your Fat Off is available on Amazon

Podcast Awards for this week:

1. Heating blanket. YES!

2. Toms shoes. I live in them.

3. Trader Joe’s Pumpkin Butter! A big surprise from a friend!!

trader joes pumpkin butter (800x600)

Links you need:

SMART Goals Podcast

Do you have any questions for me? That’s what I’m here for!

Email me at OR Leave a message on the RER Voicemail line: 562 888 1644

And follow me on * Instagram  * and  * Facebook  * for day to day tips, recipe ideas and fun… See ya there!

The post Run Your Fat Off with Jason Karp Podcast #56 appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

from Run Eat Repeat

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