I do weird stuff all the time. This is some of the weird stuff I do when traveling… keep in mind this is just a very small preview of all the super strange things I enjoy doing/eating when traveling. It’s just a head’s up in case you ever find yourself on a plane with me. K. Thanks.

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me at airport

Weird stuff I do when traveling…

1. Take bathroom selfies with my food. (The food isn’t a requirement for the selfie, just an added bonus?)

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2. Bring a carryon bag full of healthy snacks like fruit, string cheese, nuts, veggies… maybe even entire bell peppers that I eat like an apple.

This was in my mini sweet peppers… they’re usually shaped like chilies, right? It just looks like a tiny bell pepper!! So cute!!

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3. Get McDonald’s salad and swipe a few packets of salsa from whatever Mexican food place is in the airport to mix with it for extra flavor.

Then, proceed to shake it up and eat it while stretching out my IT Band. Apparently this looked uncomfortable because a lovely lil airport employee came to offer suggestions on places with tables to sit. He was one of those concierge customer service kinda people who help you with directions around the airport.

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4. Take candy from strangers.

I didn’t just take it like steal it – a guy I was sitting next to offered me chocolate and I could not in good conscience turn it down.

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5. Buy wifi on the plane and tweet “SNACKS ON A PLANE!!” every time I eat a snack (there’s a lot of them).

This is in reference to the movie “Snakes on a Plane” – which I haven’t seen, but still feel the need to tweet. No one thinks this is funny except me – but that’s how it goes.

snakes on a plane

6. Forget I already took a picture and take another one…

Flying from SoCal to Tampa makes for a long day! I didn’t realize I already had that super awesome bathroom selfie with McDonald’s. So classy.

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7. Stop at two different fast food places on the way to my final destination because I needed french fries and a milkshake and hummus… the salad was a bonus.

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8. Respond to comments and emails via voice text on my phone while waiting at the gate. But with all the noise around I have to put the phone super close to my mouth and I’m sure it looks very weird. I also voice text punctuation so I have my phone all the way up to my face I’m shouting – Yes comma Monday at 3 PM sounds good PERIOD Thank you exclamation point

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When are you traveling next question mark

Winking smile

The post Weird Stuff I Do When I Travel. appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

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