Can Marijuana Help With Your COPD?
Studies show marijuana can open up your airways. But can inhaling cannabis help or hurt a smoking-related lung condition like COPD?
from WebMD Health
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Black Vaccine Hesitancy Rooted in Mistrust, Doubts
Mistrust of the medical system, doubts about the COVID vaccine, and lack of access are among reasons why Blacks have such low rates of getting the vaccine.
from WebMD Health
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‘Escape Mutations’ May Drive New COVID Resurgence
One of these changes, known as an escape mutation, allows the coronavirus variants to slip past some of the most effective weapons we have against it — including natural antibodies made in response to past infections and vac…Read More
Tense Times Mean More Tooth-Grinding
Dentists say tooth-grinding and jaw-clenching are on the rise due to the many challenges stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic.
from WebMD Health
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New Campaign Fights COVID Vaccine Disinformation
To help combat vaccine misinformation and address lingering concerns that people have, WebMD is joining a public service campaign called VaxFacts. Led by HealthGuard, the goal of the campaign is to provide facts and tools to…Read More
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