In U.S., Female Genital Mutilation's Lasting Scars
Some 500,000 women living the United States are victims of female genital mutilation. While many are from foreign countries where the practice is more common, the practice is not limited to anyone one culture or religion.
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Yo-Yo Dieting Can Take a Toll on Your Heart
Women who lost at least 10 pounds, but then put that weight back on within a year, were more likely to have risk factors for heart disease, a study confirms.
from WebMD Health
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Getting Fit in 40s, 50s Still Can Add to Life Span
In the study, people who'd been inactive in youth but decided to get more physical in middle age saw almost the same reduction in their chance of dying early as people who’d exercised all their lives.
from WebMD Health htt…Read More
Facebook To Act On Wrong Vaccine Info
Facebook will lower the ranking of groups and pages that spread misinformation about vaccinations in its News Feed and Search options.
from WebMD Health
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