Mystery Illness Sickens 100 on Flight from Dubai
The CDC said that about 100 had complained of some sort of illness, some with milder symptoms, some who needed to be hospitalized. The plane was being held at John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York.
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Fish Oil Pills In Pregnancy May Mean Stronger Kids
In the study, the researchers followed 736 pregnant women in Denmark who took either fish oil or olive oil supplements daily from week 24 of their pregnancy until one week after they gave birth.
from WebMD Health https://i…Read More
A Vaccine to Prevent Acne May Be Possible One Day
For many skin-pocked teenagers and adults, the frustration and shame of uncontrolled acne has been linked to a higher risk for clinical depression and suicide or suicidal thoughts.
from WebMD Health
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IVF May Put Kids at Risk for High Blood Pressure
The study, of 54 teens conceived through assisted reproduction, found that eight -- or 15 percent -- had high blood pressure. That compared with just one case among 43 teenagers who were conceived naturally.
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Severity of Alzheimer's Can Vary by Season
Specifically, improvements in average thinking ("cognitive") skills in the summer and fall were equivalent to nearly 5 years less in age-related declines in thinking ability, the investigators found.
from WebMD Health http…Read More
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