Gum Disease May Worsen Blood Pressure Problems
Compared with people with good oral health, those with gum disease were less likely to respond to high blood pressure medications and 20 percent less likely to achieve healthy blood pressure targets, according to a new study…Read More
Hospital Bed Sheets Still Germy Despite Washing
Despite being washed with industrial detergent in high, disinfecting temperatures, hospital sheets still were contaminated with the potentially life-threatening C. difficile bacteria, researchers found. And those sheets spre…Read More
Polio-Like Illness Strikes Kids, Frustrates Doctors
The good news is that the disease is very rare. Only one in 1 million people will get it, and most of them will recover without treatment. Still, because the disease is more likely to strike children, and because of the myst…Read More
Study: Risky Stimulants Still in Many Supplements
Between 2013 and 2016, the FDA found that supplement brands contained one or more of four unapproved stimulants. Despite public notice warnings from the agency, three-quarters of the supplements still contained at least one …Read More
Disabling Hip Ailment Another Risk for Obese Kids
Children with severe obesity at 5 years old had almost 20 times the risk of a thin child of developing slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE), a severe hip deformity, new research shows.
from WebMD Health…Read More
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