Parents Find Kids' Weight Grades Hard to Swallow
About half of U.S. states have laws requiring schools to conduct BMI screenings among their students, according to a study published last year in Current Obesity Reports.
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FDA Approves First Blood Test to Detect Concussion
Known as the Banyan Brain Trauma Indicator, it could help reduce the need for CT scans and thus decrease radiation exposure to patients, according to the FDA.
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Drug Might Be Safer For Dementia Psychosis
British researchers say they may have found a medicine that helps ease symptoms of agitation in dementia patients, but in a much safer way.
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Highly Processed Foods Tied to Higher Cancer Risk
Every 10 percent dietary increase in packaged snacks, fizzy drinks, sugary cereals and other highly processed foods boosts the risk for cancer by 12 percent, new research suggests.
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Do Common Household Chemicals Affect Your Weight?
Widely used manmade chemicals called perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) may undermine dieters' attempts to maintain weight loss by slowing down the body's metabolism, the new study suggests.
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