Low-Fat Diet vs. Low-Carb One: And the Winner Is ...
By the end of the study period, the investigators found a wide range of results. Some dieters lost as much as 60 pounds, while others gained as much as 20.
from WebMD Health http://ift.tt/2of4QfX
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Newer Breast MRI May Be More Accurate and Easier
In a study in Germany, the new technique reduced false-positive findings by 70 percent. The scan was also able to detect 98 percent of breast cancers correctly, the researchers said.
from WebMD Health http://ift.tt/2onb1xt…Read More
The High Cost of Surviving Rabies
The price of rabies treatment has skyrocketed nearly 400% over the past decade, leaving some patients with bills in the tens of thousands of dollars.
from WebMD Health http://ift.tt/2ofoZlX
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Fatal Opioid ODs Drop for People Treated In Jail
To see whether the program was working, researchers from Brown University compared overdose deaths among former inmates during the six months before the program started and the same period a year later.
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Feds Sue Britax for Failing to Recall Strollers
Britax says the problem isn’t with the design of the jogging stroller, but with parents not following instructions for safe use.
from WebMD Health http://ift.tt/2EFLrPb
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