Medicare to Require Hospitals Post Prices Online
Currently, hospitals must make their prices public, but the new rule requires the information to be posted online in a format that can be easily processed by computers, the Associated Press reported.
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Fetal Immune System May Trigger Premature Birth
A new study suggests some preterm births occur because the fetus rejects the mother, after its immune system is triggered too early and senses maternal cells as foreign invaders.
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Can Diabetes Lead to Irregular Periods in Teens?
In the long-term, irregular periods can also increase the risk of endometrial cancer, the researchers pointed out in the new report.
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Exercise Your Blues Away
High levels of physical activity were associated with a lower risk of depression in all age groups during the follow-up, the investigators found.
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Advil + Tylenol Better Than Opioids for Dental Pain
In the study, Aminoshariae's team reviewed more than 460 published studies and found that a combination of 400 milligrams of ibuprofen (such as Advil or Motrin) and 1,000 milligrams of acetaminophen (Tylenol) was more effect…Read More
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