Could Belly Fat Affect Dementia Risk?
People who were obese typically had a lower volume of gray matter in the brain than their normal-weight counterparts, especially if they carried much of their excess weight around the middle, in a new study. Past research ha…Read More
People With Cancer May Face Greater Shingles Risk
A study of about 240,000 cancer patients in Australia from 2006 to 2015 found that any type of cancer was associated with a 40 percent increased risk of developing shingles, compared with not having cancer.
from WebMD Heal…Read More
Candies May be Contaminated With Hepatitis A
A public health alert about possible hepatitis A contamination in Modjeskas from Bauer's Candies was announced Thursday by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
from WebMD Health
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More Shingles Vaccine On the Way, Maker Says
More doses of Shingrix, the shingles vaccine that has been in very short supply, are on the way to U.S. pharmacies, says drugmaker GlaxoSmithKline. However, demand may still outpace supply.
from WebMD Health…Read More
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