Are You a Prospective Poop Donor?
Fecal microbiota transplant involves transplanting purified fecal matter from a healthy donor, to help establish colonies of healthy bacteria in the guts of sick patients.
from WebMD Health
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Could Rover Unleash a Flu Pandemic?
Fifteen years ago, researchers found that a flu virus in a horse infected a dog, leading to the first circulating flu viruses in dogs. Five years ago, researchers identified a bird-origin flu virus circulating in farm dogs i…Read More
Non-Drug Migraine Treatments Often Ignored
Previous studies have shown that treatments such as cognitive behavioral therapy, stress management, relaxation techniques and biofeedback may reduce migraine symptoms by 50 percent or more.
from WebMD Health https://ift.t…Read More
Man Was Awake for 90 Minutes During CPR: Report
A previous study found that 2 percent of cardiac arrest survivors exhibit full awareness during CPR, which can lead to post-traumatic stress disorder.
from WebMD Health
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Breakthrough Therapy Seems to Rid Woman of Advanced Breast Cancer
Besides demonstrating an ability to eliminate breast cancer, Rosenberg and his team already have additional preliminary results suggesting that the technique is similarly effective against both liver cancer and colon cancer.…Read More
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