Vaping Beats Patch, Gum in Helping Smokers Quit
Going “cold turkey” with no nicotine can make it difficult to deal with withdrawal symptoms. Having some kind of nicotine replacement improves your chances of quitting, a study author said.
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What Works to Help Teens Quit Vaping?
Teens addicted to vaping must rely on methods that have been shown to help tobacco quitters, but it's not clear that those methods will be useful when it comes to e-cigarettes.
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Great Workouts Boost Brains, Even in the Young
Researchers found that aerobic exercise increased participants' overall fitness as well as their so-called executive function -- thinking skills that are key to reasoning, planning and problem-solving.
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Study: Breakfast Not Key to Weight Loss After All
Eating a hearty breakfast doesn't help people eat less later in the day, and those who have breakfast end up eating more calories each day, the review found.
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