More Evidence Found of Pot Damage to Teen Brain
Brain scans show that some adolescents who've tried marijuana just a couple of times exhibit significant increases in the volume of their gray matter.
from WebMD Health
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Just A Couple of Joints Can Damage Teen Brain
Brain scans show that some adolescents who've tried marijuana just a couple of times exhibit significant increases in the volume of their gray matter.
from WebMD Health
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DIY Birth Control Patch Being Developed
The patch, which can be pressed into an arm or leg, has dissolvable microneedles that implant into the skin and slowly dissolve over time, delivering a contraceptive hormone, NBC News reported.
from WebMD Health https://wb…Read More
Study: Junk Food Ads Target Minority Kids
Fast food, candy, sugary drinks and unhealthy snacks accounted for 86 percent of food ad spending on black-targeted TV programming, and 82 percent of ad spending on Spanish-language TV, according to a new study.
from WebMD…Read More
Sit Less Each Day to Live Longer
People who replaced just 30 minutes of sitting per day with low-intensity physical activity lowered their risk of an early death by 17 percent, according to the study published online Jan. 14 in the American Journal of Epide…Read More
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