Roll Kids' Sleeves Up, Again, for Mumps Protection
During a mumps outbreak, doctors can provide an optional third dose of mumps vaccine, according to the 2018 recommended immunization schedule from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP).
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A Hidden Source of 'Superbugs' in Hospitals?
U.S. National Institutes of Health researchers collected samples from pipes beneath a hospital's intensive care unit and from manholes covering sewers draining hospital wastewater.
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'Hole in Heart' Defect May Raise Stroke Risk
This common type of birth defect -- known as patent foramen ovale (PFO) -- is a hole between the upper chambers of the heart that does not close after birth.
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Hot Tea Linked to Esophageal Cancer Risk
Tea lovers who take their daily cup scalding hot are raising their chance of having esophageal cancer if they also drink alcohol every day or if they smoke, say researchers.
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