More Drug Makers Tagged as Valsartan Recall Grows
More than 20 European countries, Canada, and the United States have recalled valsartan medications in recent weeks after NDMA was discovered in the drugs’ ingredients manufactured by Zhejiang Huahai Pharmaceuticals of Linhai…Read More
Weak Grip May Signal Health Trouble Even in Kids
In a new study followed children from 4th grade through 5th grade, children with weak grips were over three times more likely to remain in poor health or to have declines in health than those with strong grips.
from WebMD …Read More
Essential Oils Promise Help, But Beware the Risks
In the past year alone, U.S. retail sales of essential oils soared 14% to $133 million -- up from $55 million in 2015 -- according to market research firm SPINS.
from WebMD Health
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Study: Tdap Vaccine Doesn't Boost Autism Risk
Children born to women who had a Tdap vaccination during pregnancy had no higher risk of autism than kids whose mothers were not vaccinated, a new study finds.
from WebMD Health
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'Snapchat Dysmorphia': Seeking Selfie Perfection
In increasing numbers, people go to cosmetic surgeons requesting “fuller lips, bigger eyes, or a thinner nose” that they see in photo filters, according to new research. The trend, called “Snapchat dysmorphia,” was first ide…Read More
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